
“High school life is one of the best parts of your life. It’s priceless and unforgettabe”, they said, as I was to enter that phase of my life, unfamiliar to my young mind. I still remember how unconfident and nervous I was, until this day has come.
I started this journey as a shy and quiet girl, trying to observe and figuring out how to blend with this new surrounding. I was afraid thinking lessons would be hard. I was anxious that others would make fun of me.
But as my journey continued, I realize it’s not that scary at all. Lessons were comprehensible. Classmates were approachable. Everything had seem normal and fine when I got used to it.
Events such as campings, trainings, seminars, and even the highlight of a highschooler’s social life, the Junior-Senior Promenade: I have luckily experienced those! I remember how we played and enjoyed in the school premises. I remember how much my butt hurt when we sat straight for hours at the gymn, attending programs, listening to lectures, and behold the marvelous performances of our schoolmates. I remember the hangouts and trips I had with some classmates and friends. I remember how I ran late in our JS Prom, left with only a few songs-yet it still was worthwhile.
I also used to join math-related competitions and quiz shows, and take home prizes and memories afterwards. They were held at different places-Cauayan, Santiago, Tuguegarao, UP Diliman, Pangasinan, UP Baguio and such. I remember how much I enjoyed the places we went to, the nervousness before every competition, and the laughs we shared.
Just like a roller coaster ride, high school life would not be possible without downs to make the ups worth soaring.
Though I met numerous of people, it saddens me for some of them just come and go. Though you study the lessons, you can’t just expect to get higher scores than majority for they don’t just study together, but they answer together too. It’s disturbing how grades matter more than learning these days, but that’s just the way it is. When I had some school activities back then, I recall myself crying for my mom did not seem to support me on what I was doing. Personal problems also came, I remember how I went to school woefully in those days.
All the days I had, whether good or bad, I cherish them. Like how light and dark colors appear together to form a wonderful art, and how the white and black keys of piano work together to create lovely music, the combination of the good and bad days made a very beautiful and meaningful chapter of my life.
“High school life is one of the best parts of your life. It’s priceless and unforgettabe”, I say, as I recall my precious memories.

“It’s disturbing how grades matter more than learning these days, but that’s just the way it is.”

One thought on “Indelible

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  1. Learning doesn’t rate with numbers but on how you apply what you have learned in your daily lives and for your future. Remember that the worth of a thing depends on how you struggle to gain it. God Bless to your Tertiary life!


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